Removing a chart from the web interface

I want to remove the CPU Pressure (system.cpu_pressure) chart. I’ve gone into the /etc/netdata/netdata.conf file and changed it like this:

	# history = 5
	enabled = no
	# cache directory = /var/cache/netdata/system.cpu_pressure
	# chart type = line
	# type = system
	# family = cpu
	# units = percentage
	# context = system.cpu_pressure
	# priority = 140
	# name = system.cpu_pressure
	# title = CPU Pressure
	# dim some 10 name = some 10
	# dim some 10 algorithm = absolute
	# dim some 10 multiplier = 1
	# dim some 10 divisor = 100
	# dim some 60 name = some 60
	# dim some 60 algorithm = absolute
	# dim some 60 multiplier = 1
	# dim some 60 divisor = 100
	# dim some 300 name = some 300
	# dim some 300 algorithm = absolute
	# dim some 300 multiplier = 1
	# dim some 300 divisor = 100

I reloaded netdata on my browser however the chart is still there. What do I need to do to remove that chart? I’ve already removed the Ubuntu repo version and installed from the netdata install script.

Hello @chris-pollock ,

You do not need to say sorry, your conclusions will help other people here, please, let us know if you have any doubt.

Best regards!

@chris-pollock Disregard, I did a bit more Googling and found I’d neglected to stop netdata the correct way. I ran ‘sudo killall netdata’ and then sudo /usr/sbin/netdata and the chart is now gone. Sorry for the noise.

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