I have a question about this
$WARNING variable:
warn: $netdata.uptime.uptime > (1 * 60) AND $this > ((($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_sent < 5)?(5):($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_sent)) * (($status >= $WARNING) ? (1) : (10)))
How it is set and where should I change it?
So it comes from here: https://github.com/netdata/netdata/blob/c2bb105702320499179af3d5dd10b5636b33587d/health/health.d/tcp_resets.conf#L29
To change it you would do something like this:
cd /etc/netdata
sudo ./edit-config health.d/tcp_resets.conf
# make whatever changes you want, save the file
netdatacli reload-health # reload new update alert config
You can fine more info in the docs here:
Netdata's health watchdog is highly configurable, with support for dynamic thresholds, hysteresis, alarm templates, and