windows vnodes configuraturation

I have configured the “vnodes.conf” file with a GUID and it looks like this:

  • hostname: pclmanos

but the vnode does not show on the cloud room

BUT it is located at the /opt/etc/netdata/orig/vnodes direcrory

on the Netdata Learn instructions the *.conf file shows as located at


is there a problem?

Which is the correct location for the file;

I don’t recall seeming a /orig/on any cases so I don’t think this is the correct directory.

The expected directories are either /etc/netdata or /opt/netdata/etc/netdata which vary depending on the way the agent was installed.

OK the vnodes.conf file is configured with GUID and URL but I still can see only one node on the cloud room teh conf file looks like this:

#- hostname: HOSTNAME2

guid: GUID2

is there any other setting i must configure;

Besides the vnodes.conf file you also need to make sure the go.d/windows.conf has the reference to vnode with the name you gave to the hostname on vnodes.conf. There see the example here on the Config collapsed section

Done that but, unfortunately it does not work still, must the vnodes.conf file be owned from netdata user maybe now it shows that is owned from root

In my installation the files under etc/netdata are owned by root so don’t think there is an issue there.

My suggestion is to run the Windows collector in debug mode - Windows | Learn Netdata


Here is the debug log there is strange error “Unknown file format” but a s a warning only the system recognizes the vnode and GUID

----> DBG vnodes/vnodes.go:85 adding virtual node’{GUID:5fb7b73b-a594-4b40-853c-458c228caf66 Hostname:pcl1manos Labels:map}’ (/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/vnodes/vnodes .conf) component=vnodes
INF agent/setup.go:177 found ‘/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/vnodes’ (1 vhosts) component=agent
INF discovery/manager.go:61 instance is started component=“discovery manager”
INF functions/manager.go:50 instance is started component=“functions manager”
INF jobmgr/manager.go:87 instance is started component=“job manager”
DBG functions/ext.go:15 registering function ‘config’ component=“functions manager”
CONFIG go.d:collector:windows create accepted template /collectors/jobs internal ‘internal’ ‘add schema enable disable test’ 0x0000 0x0000

INF file/discovery.go:69 instance is started component=discovery discoverer=file
INF file/read.go:48 instance is started component=discovery discoverer=file

-----> WRN file/read.go:73 parse ‘/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf’: unknown file format: ‘/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf’ component=discovery discoverer=file
INF file/read.go:49 instance is stopped component=discovery discoverer=file

yeah, this could the reason for the issue
could you share the content of this? (you can mask the IP address for the remote windows machnie)

Here is the windows.conf file

All available configuration options, their descriptions and default values:

netdata/src/go/collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/windows at master · netdata/netdata · GitHub


Since the formatting got a bit messed up could you confirm if it looks like:

## All available configuration options, their descriptions and default values:

  - name: vpn1manos
    vnode: vpn1manos
    url: http://10.XXX.XXX.XXX:9182/metrics
  - name: pcl1manos
    vnode: pcl1manos
    url: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9182/metrics

Please ensure a space exists between vnode: vpn1manos and on other attributes

Hello, yes the file looks like that with spaces after the column :

Here is a quick way to check vnodes configuration format, copy/paste it at

It is coorect

Hello, i have tried the setup with windows.conf and vnodes.conf on W10 machines and windows server 2022 machines but unfortunately I cannot get the vnodes to work. I am running the agent on a redhat server.

I even tried to “cmod -R 777 /opt/netdata” so netdata user are owner

Any suggestions;

The validation you did on this YAML Lint is for the vnodes.conf file, could you also please validate the windows.conf which is the one that seemed to have issues.

If both are correct then please run this again in debug mode and share the output.

Here comes the debug output, if i understand it corectly the vnodes are created but there seems to be a docker error is this related;

INF agent/setup.go:79 building discovery config component=agent
DBG agent/setup.go:114 looking for ‘wmi.conf’ in [/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/go.d /opt/netdata/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d] component=agent
DBG agent/setup.go:126 looking for ‘windows.conf’ in [/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/go.d /opt/netdata/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/go.d] component=agent
DBG agent/setup.go:142 found ‘/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf component=agent
INF agent/setup.go:147 dummy/read/watch paths: 0/1/0 component=agent
INF discovery/manager.go:116 registered discoverers: [file discovery: [file reader] service discovery] component=“discovery manager”
DBG agent/setup.go:165 looking for ‘vnodes/’ in [/opt/netdata/etc/netdata /opt/netdata/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d] component=agent
------> DBG vnodes/vnodes.go:85 adding virtual node’{GUID:18902b98-0dda-4c17-90aa-5d0a51082a15 Hostname:wifi1manos Labels:map}’ (/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/vnodes/vnodes.conf) component=vnodes
------> DBG vnodes/vnodes.go:85 adding virtual node’{GUID:dab9f289-6810-46a2-a7ca-4df5fa92ddce Hostname:win2srvtest Labels:map}’ (/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/vnodes/vnodes.conf) component=vnodes
INF agent/setup.go:177 found ‘/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/vnodes’ (2 vhosts) component=agent
INF discovery/manager.go:61 instance is started component=“discovery manager”
INF functions/manager.go:50 instance is started component=“functions manager”
INF jobmgr/manager.go:87 instance is started component=“job manager”
DBG functions/ext.go:15 registering function ‘config’ component=“functions manager”
CONFIG go.d:collector:windows create accepted template /collectors/jobs internal ‘internal’ ‘add schema enable disable test’ 0x0000 0x0000

INF file/discovery.go:69 instance is started component=discovery discoverer=file
INF file/read.go:48 instance is started component=discovery discoverer=file
INF file/read.go:49 instance is stopped component=discovery discoverer=file
INF sd/sd.go:66 instance is started component=“service discovery”
DBG jobmgr/manager.go:122 received configs: 1/+1/-0 (‘/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf’) component=“job manager”
CONFIG go.d:collector:windows:win2srvtest create accepted job /collectors/jobs user ‘discoverer=file_reader,file=/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf’ ‘schema get enable disable update restart test’ 0x0000 0x0000

------> DBG jobmgr/manager.go:293 creating windows[win2srvtest] job, config: map[provider:file reader source:discoverer=file_reader,file=/opt/netdata/etc/netdata/go.d/windows.conf source_type:user autodetection_retry:0 module:windows name:win2srvtest priority:70000 update_every:5 url: vnode:win2srvtest] component=“job manager”
INF pipeline/pipeline.go:118 instance is started component=“service discovery” pipeline=docker
INF dockerd/docker.go:95 instance is started component=“service discovery” discoverer=docker
----> ERR dockerd/docker.go:112 Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? component=“service discovery” discoverer=docker
INF dockerd/docker.go:96 instance is stopped component=“service discovery” discoverer=docker
INF pipeline/accumulator.go:92 discoverer ‘sd:docker’ exited before ctx done component=“service discovery” pipeline=docker
INF pipeline/accumulator.go:61 all discoverers exited before ctx done component=“service discovery” pipeline=docker
DBG pipeline/pipeline.go:139 received 0 target groups component=“service discovery” pipeline=docker
INF pipeline/pipeline.go:137 instance is stopped component=“service discovery” pipeline=docker
INF pipeline/pipeline.go:118 instance is started component=“service discovery” pipeline=“network listeners”
INF netlisteners/netlisteners.go:102 instance is started component=“service discovery” discoverer=net_listeners
INF module/job.go:244 check success collector=windows job=win2srvtest
CONFIG go.d:collector:windows:win2srvtest status running

Yes, vnodes issue seems to be sorted out.
@ilyam8 any idea what this docker related error could be?

Yes, but docker issues are unrelated to the topic.

But it is in the logline (still - unrelated)
INF dockerd/docker.go:95 instance is started component=“service discovery” discoverer=docker
----> ERR dockerd/docker.go:112 Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? component=“service discovery” discoverer=docker

Docker service discovery failed to start because Docker is not running.

I see

INF module/job.go:244 check success collector=windows job=win2srvtest
CONFIG go.d:collector:windows:win2srvtest status running

No error

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OK so if there is no error why Vnodes are not showing up in the cloud room? Is there another way to define vnodes directly from the cloud room like the dynamic configuration; t.ex.

Without any change the vnodes now appear in the cloud room!!

two vnodes are defined as follows in windows.conf

- name: wifi1manos
  vnode: wifi1manos
  url: http://12X.XXX.XXX.XXX:9182/metrics
- name: win2srvtest
  vnode: win2srvtest
  url: http://12X.XXX.XXX.XXX:9182/metrics


  • hostname: wifi1manos
    guid: 18902b98-0dda-4c17-90aa-5d0a51082a15
  • hostname: win2srvtest
    guid: dab9f289-6810-46a2-a7ca-4df5fa92ddce

wifi1manos is shown as a vnode but data is not displayed within the node
data is displayed on the Windows menu of the agent server

win2srvtest is not shown as a vnode