Cannot clainm agent, problem with the SSL CA cert


I have installed iRedmail EE server with netdata. Base OS CentOS9. Netdata is running behing nginx proxy “

When trying to claim an agent, I get following error:
eb 19 04:31:32 mail netdata[448123]: time=2025-02-19T04:31:32.664+02:00 comm=netdata source=daemon level=error errno=“2, No such file or directory” tid=448293 thread=WEB[1] src_transport=http role=none permissions=0x8 src_ip=localhost src_port=52070 src_forwarded_for= req_method=GET conn=0 transaction=247552eb9ceb438a8a42feb6e3b8c827 request=“/api/v3/claim?key=78066530-1806-462e-bab4-9a32a658ddee&rooms=d9d0f179-fff6-4e0d-9956-fce552cc3dcc&token=pDNzlakHsORWeaQyOggRiToTsnCbFyYKedp1rAFiD8cQeapYHF99rSPwzSunMGxOG_LUTgTBb6hXQ19C1cvFCsdTfqMhmiFwJPOdt0hdnj23vUTXXg2vspXhebfCYBS7IXyxFJ4&” msg=“CLAIM: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to ‘env’)”

After trying to some suggestions from chatGPT, I finnaly decided to do kickstart, but still get the error:
[/tmp/netdata-kickstart-hX9HMcEgQ6]# /opt/netdata/bin/netdatacli reload-claiming-state
Netdata Agent is not claimed to Netdata Cloud: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to ‘env’)

How to fix this? Got an subscription from I have no use…

Did you try claiming via UI?

What is your Netdata version?


and yes. I tried that in a first place, then I started to dig deeper. When pressing a claim btn, it shows Claming and after 1-2 sec. it just shows Claim again.

Can you show what Netdata logs when you click Claim?

journalctl _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID="$(systemctl show --value --property=InvocationID netdata)" --namespace=netdata

I think this issue maybe fixed in the nightly version. Can you give it a try?

Feb 20 10:37:13 netdata[759673]: time=2025-02-20T10:37:13.142+02:00 comm=netdata source=daemon level=error errno="2, No such file or directory" tid=760067 thread=WEB[6] src_transport=http role=none permissions=0x8 src_ip=localhost src_port=41000 src_forwarded_for= req_method=GET conn=0 transaction=d791c8ba3f6447eba6a9c3512da7b3d8 request="/api/v3/claim?key=e2d702d8-f391-4e43-a0fe-ac27591f41e2&rooms=d9d0f179-fff6-4e0d-9956-fce552cc3dcc&token=tIk27aZoF1ZQSgQBevacrCFufO5YXKIHq7R_JRbeV_4ewe8fP4tMklfADxmZgjR9OTJe5CGxEA4NrQ0m_C5gUJSgPslGPKtVvYjO1rFQMJAo-lG70MH38RirTaDBYuDEswInGSM&" msg="CLAIM: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to 'env')"

same line 5 times

still nothing.
[/tmp/netdata-kickstart-JJxFEbZPGY]# /opt/netdata/bin/netdatacli reload-claiming-state
Netdata Agent is not claimed to Netdata Cloud: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to ‘env’)

Could you share detailed reproduction steps for this issue? Please include:

  • Linux distribution and version
  • Required configurations
  • Environment setup details

Ok, I reproduced the problem.

Feb 20 12:25:18 shared-centos9 netdata[6602]: CLAIM: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to 'env')
Feb 20 12:25:19 shared-centos9 netdata[6602]: CLAIM: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to 'env')
Feb 20 12:25:19 shared-centos9 netdata[6602]: CLAIM: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to 'env')
Feb 20 12:25:20 shared-centos9 netdata[6602]: CLAIM: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to 'env')
Feb 20 12:25:21 shared-centos9 netdata[6602]: CLAIM: Request failed with error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (proxy is set to 'env')

It is fixed in the nightly release. We will do a patch release.

Ou, cool.
Do you still need a system info from me?

No. I reproduced the problem on a Centos9 VM:

$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="CentOS Stream"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Stream 9"
REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9"