Hi Team
Email notification on my node(UI) is showing as disabled, how to enable it.
in health configuration send email is YES and added both sender and recipient.
When i try testing by adding my email id it says email sent OK but not receiving any emails for the same.
My email ID is sainatraj.t@customerxps.com
2023-09-19 07:31:46: alarm-notify.sh: INFO: sent email notification for: i test.chart.test_alarm is CLEAR to ‘sainatraj.t@customerxps.com’
Hi @Sai_Natraj_Thatavart
What exactly do you mean by “Email notification on my node(UI) is showing as disabled” ?
Hi @Manolis_Vasilakis
when i open my node with ip:19999 in notifications im seeing email notification is disabled by admin
Ok, so likely this agent is claimed to the cloud.
There are 2 ways to receive alarm e-mail notifications. One is from the agent itself where it uses a local installation of sendmail to send the e-mails. Do you have sendmail (or an appropriate replacement like ssmtp) installed?
The other is through the cloud. It appears for some reason it is disabled. If you go to Settings (the cog here:
Then: Alerts & Notifications
can you enable e-mails from there?
yes @Manolis_Vasilakis added it to my cloud account with claim, but when try to enable notification for a DL via test, im not recieving any emails but it says it is sending mails, in dn local and settings tab is disabled as well.
@Manolis_Vasilakis edit is also disabled in node–>alert & notifications for email notifications.
@Manolis_Vasilakis when i add SNS ARN as well it is givng error to send notifications to SNS topic but we are already using the same SNS
Can you reach your node via cloud? (i.e. instead of ip:19999, use https://app.netdata.cloud
) ? Does the setting for e-mail works from there?
yes @Manolis_Vasilakis im able to connect node via netdata cloud but not able to edit email configurations or add DL to send notifications to group
This looks like sendmail is not configured correctly… From that node you’re running netdata, does a simple test of echo "Test message" | mail -s subject user@domain.com
Ok, thanks @Sai_Natraj_Thatavart we’ll check the cloud settings. Are you the only user of the space?
it says mail command not found
yes @Manolis_Vasilakis added my team members individually to the space as DL is not working
Ok, you need a sendmail implementation installed (I’d suggest ssmtp since it’s easier to configure). Then the Netdata agent should be able to send e-mails.