How can I claim a node from windows machine?

Hey @driggsss,

I see that my message above wasn’t clear. I am sorry for this. I think that an faq with a diagram would help both yourself and future users.

So, since you are gathering data in the Netdata agent from the wmi_exporter, the data reside inside that Netdata Agent. Thus, if you claim the Agent, you should be able to access the data through Cloud.

What you need to have in mind is that the wmi_exporter is not an agent on it’s own, as far as Netdata is concerned. It’s simple another data source, a collector, like the PostegreSQL collector. Thus, claiming the Windows machine doesn’t make sense in how Netdata is architectured, because Netdata doesn’t run on the Windows machine.

Check out our faq about Netdata collectors, to better understand the architecture:

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