i want to connect to netdata.cloud whit exporter. (windows 2019 SRV monitoring)
i am using version 0.18.1.
I can’t find a solution in the help. It is possible to start so that I can also enter these:
–claim-token --claim-rooms --claim-url https://app.netdata.cloud ?
Hello @Gabor_Szarvas and welcome into our community
If I am reading this right, you want to connect the prometheus windows exporter directly to the Netdata cloud?
Let me clarify the followings.
- Netdata Agent collect metrics. It can also collect metrics from any prometheus endpoint
- All the metrics are stored locally to the Netdata Agent
- Netdata Agent runs natively in unix/linux based machines. So in your case you will need a linux/unix based host which will run the Netdata Agent and it will collect metrics for your windows server from the prometheus endpoint
- Netdata Agents are claimed by a Netdata Cloud space. Then the Netdata cloud give you the ability to see the metrics from multiple Agents by querying their data in real time.