Prometheus and Windows_exporter on windows server

Hello Support,

I’m new to Netdata. we have production servers running on Windows server 2019 std, I don’t want to deploy WSL on windows server. I want to monitor Windows hosts by utilizing the Prometheus exporter(Don’t want to use Netdata MSI installer.). Have installed the Prometheus and Windows_exporter on one of the windows servers, Added the server IP in Prometheus.yml file but the windows node no showing up in the Netdata cloud. Please help me with how to claim the Windows node to netdata cloud and how to monitor the windows servers using Prometheus windows exporter.


I think the supported approach at the moment is to have one non windows node that scrapes the windows exporter machines

integrations docs

so the one node you want to install NC on - is that linux, or maybe even in wsl should work too i think.