I was referring to the error you get when you try to claim your node to the cloud. Mainly the output of the command bash <(curl -Ss https://my-netdata.io/kickstart.sh) --claim-token wwuS1TTKP2p4LKm0U–QY9nMWo7l3js8guTcGhU58UifJvy–Ltc0EAByI05XJ_tLLxlVMo18zJTqPoAGkJk0RgKiWjoYVBFLxyidEfJnwmQHYa6QsNCWVWCHII33vJTNj3YXSM --claim-rooms 2500d098-d9b8-4487-8aeb-1a24e50485f4 --claim-url https://app.netdata.cloud
In theory the kickstart script might work, if all the required dependencies are there to begin with, but in practice I think that’s a rather unlikely situation.
I managed to run the script and it successfully finds the netdata agent installed by the plugin. However it cannot claim it as the agent provided by the plugin is built with --disable-cloud option. If you still need this you should ask teh developer of teh plugin to compile a new version without that option.